
Yarn: Storytelling with Heather Gold and Friends

Thursday, Jul 12, 2018 | 7–8:30pm; doors open at 6:30pm

ADMISSION: $5 Members; $15 general

Yarn is a comedy storytelling show especially for women who are “Hollywood old” (that’s over 29), but all are welcome. Substantial, funny, and satisfying, it features some of the best storytellers from the Bay Area and beyond. In honor of the exhibition The Art of Rube Goldberg, the evening will venture into the kinds of convoluted acts and unpredictable adventures that make a great story. Performers include Cintra Wilson, Betsy Salkind, Virgie Tovar, Julia Jackson, and Heather Gold.


Sign language interpretation and CART real-time captioning can be requested for all programs with at least two weeks notice by emailing or by calling 415.655.7856 (relay calls welcome). FM assistive listening devices for sound enhancement are available for all talks and tours. Visit our Accessibility page to learn more.

about the performers
Heather Gold

The Austin Chronicle calls Heather Gold "A set of wits equal to any major player on Comedy Central." Heather appears in venues across North America like SXSW, Google, SFSketchfest, NPR and CBC's Definitely Not the Opera. Heather's baked over 50,000 cookies with audiences in her hit “I Look Like an Egg, But I Identify as a Cookie” which the Oakland Tribune named “Best of the Bay” and won Curve magazine's Lesbian Theatre Award. She consulted on the Emmy-Nominated series The Future Starts Here and recently debuted a part of her newest show Everything Is Subject to Change at the National Queer Arts Festival. You can join her list and see her work at

Julia Jackson
Julia Jackson

Julia Jackson is a comedienne and solo artist known for her biting social commentary, as well as actually biting audience members from time to time. This rising comedy star has performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and was a Semi-Finalist in the San Francisco International Comedy Competition. Her solo performance piece “Children Are Forever: All Sales Are Final” won the Best Non-Fiction Show Award at the 2016 United Solo Festival in New York City, and the script was published in the 2016 Plays and Playwrights by Indie Theatre Now. Julia has worked with Robin Williams, Dana Carvey, and Paul Mooney, appeared in the film Some Prefer Cake

Betsy Salkind

The Boston Globe wrote, "There are countless ways to make someone laugh, and Betsy Salkind knows most of them. Want sarcastic wit? Political humor? Or maybe just a good animal mime? Salkind can pull all that off and more.” Best known as “Squirrel Lady,” Betsy began her career in improv/sketch troupes: Guilty Children and Terrorist Bridesmaids. She is author and star of Anne Frank Superstar and has appeared on Girls Night Out, Last Comic StandingThe Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and Showtime's Fierce Funny Women. She was a staff-writer for Saturday Night Special and Roseanne, and is author of two illustrated children’s style books for adults: More Than Once Upon A Time and Betsy's Sunday School Bible Classics. She also writes for the blog "Ethel's Law," and contributed to the anthology No Kidding: Women Writers on Bypassing Parenthood

Virgie Tovar

Virgie Tovar is an author, activist and one of the nation's leading experts and lecturers on fat discrimination and body image. She is the founder of Babecamp, a four-week online course designed to help women who are ready to break up with diet culture, and started the hashtag campaign #LoseHateNotWeight. Tovar edited the ground-breaking anthology Hot & Heavy: Fierce Fat Girls on Life, Love and Fashion (Seal Press, November 2012) and The Feminist Press will be publishing her forthcoming book of non-fiction, You Have the Right to Remain Fat (August 2018). She holds a Master's degree in Sexuality Studies with a focus on the intersections of body size, race and gender. Virgie has been featured by the New York Times, Tech Insider, MTV, Al Jazeera, NPR, Self magazine, Yahoo and the San Francisco Chronicle. She lives in San Francisco. 

Cintra Wilson

Cintra Wilson is originally from San Francisco, where she spent several years performing and writing for the stage. These writings begat journalistic writings, which in turn begat books and occasional forays into TV and screenwriting. After a very brief pit-stop in LA, she moved to New York, for obvious reasons. Current Salon contributor and former New York Times Critical Shopper, as well as creator and voice of "Winter Steele" for MTV's Liquid Television, Wilson is author of the books Fear And Clothing: Unbuckling American Style; Caligula For President: Better American Living Through Tyranny; Colors Insulting to Nature; A Massive Swelling: Celebrity Re-Examined As A Grotesque, Crippling Disease and Other Cultural Revelations; and a varitety of plays and short fiction such as Red Spiral Notebook, The Abounding Gutter, XXX Love Act, Soul Hunt, The Bitsy La Fever’s Kingdom of Passion Trilogy, and many others.


Public Programs are made possible by the Koret Foundation and The Al and Rosanne Levitt Fund for Public Programs.

Image Credit

Bios: Heather Gold photo by David Hawe; Julia Jackson photo by Dan Dion; Cintra Wilson photo from book cover of Fear And Clothing: Unbuckling American Style; all other photos courtesy of the artists.