Thursday, Oct 26, 2017 • 4:30–7:30pm
ADMISSION: Free with RSVP to
How do folktales teach us about culture and the world around us, and how can educators best integrate storytelling into the classroom? Unleash the power of narrative and the lessons of folktales for today as you join The CJM, the Asian Art Museum, and the Museum of the African Diaspora for an exploration of Jewish Folktales Retold: Artist as Maggid and a workshop on developing, crafting, and telling your own stories and stories in your classroom.
Available to full-time K–12 teachers in the Bay Area with educator identification. Apply online at by Oct 31, 2017. First time members only. All other teachers are eligible for a special discounted membership rate.
School and Teacher Programs are made possible by Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Leadership support comes from the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation and from the Lisa and John Pritzker Family Fund. Additional generous support comes from the Mimi and Peter Haas Fund, the Toole Family Charitable Foundation, the Ullendorf Memorial Foundation, and Carol Swig.